Have you ever applied for a credit card or a loan and received a denial due to bad credit? You might be confused if you haven’t done anything to warrant it. It’s possible you could be a victim of Social Security Fraud.
Your social security number is a key ID for getting credit, loans, housing, jobs, and more. Keep your information safe from scammers by storing it securely, as they may use it to open lines of credit.
Warning Signs
According to the Social Security Administration, these are some warning signs you should look out for.
- Phone calls from people claiming to be from the Social Security Administration or from a different government organization.
- They say there is a problem, or a prize and they just need to get your SSN (social security number).
- They will pressure you to take action immediately.
- Will tell you that you need to pay to clear up any issues with your identification number.
Protecting Yourself
These are some steps from the Social Security Administration that you can take to protect yourself:
- Do not carry around your SSN with you daily.
- Never say your SSN out loud in public.
- Lookout for phishing scams that try to get you to send any personal information.
- Create a my Social Security account to track any suspicious activity.
If you think someone is using your SSN for loans or credit, report it to the FTC.
Make a report at https://reportfraud.ftc.gov/#/.